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Biodiversity Conservation Foundation (BCF INDIA) stepping next phase towards nature conservation.

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ISBN 978-81-955268-4-0

Vellore Institute of Technology (VIT), the verdant campus comprises 359 acres located in the North-Eastern Vellore region of Tamil Nadu, India. VIT's greenery has a unique role in supporting the dynamic link between biodiversity enhancement, academic research, and engagement of students, faculty members and the general public. With a vision of Environmental Sustainability and aligned Policy and Strategy, the institute has made a commitment to mitigate climate change, ultimately protecting nature and natural resources. The VIT’s hotspot region is VIT Lake, which acts as a crucial water reservoir and helps to maintain the floral and faunal biodiversity in this ecosystem. A decade before, young birders of VIT Nature Club initiated an invitation of birds program to the VIT Lake, helping this ecosystem to regenerate naturally. Birds served as seed dispersal agents' acted as ambassadors for this landscape. The potential of this environment as a home for numerous birds and has been discovered and documented by Nature Club - VIT and Biodiversity Conservation Foundation (BCF INDIA). The lake ecosystem plays an influential factor to maintain the microclimate which attracts a greater number of land and water birds. Between 2016 and 2020, over 119 land (Terrestrial) and waterbird (Aquatic) species were documented in and around the lake and throughout the VIT. These bird communities belong to 16 orders and 46 birds’ families. Besra (Accipiter virgatus), a startling species of Accipitriformes, was an extensive first record in Vellore District. With this noteworthy discovery, long-term monitoring is advised to aid in the transition to a more sustainable ecology.

ISBN 978-81-955268-4-0

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ISBN 978-81-955268-5-7

The book is about the birds found in the protected areas of Tamil Nadu state in the year 2018–2020. This book contains the details of the birds been recorded in Tamil Nadu during the synchronized census program in each protected area of the 13 selected regions. This book as a whole is a database of the birds found in the Tamil Nadu state, which will help the future research community to assess the health of the various regions and to take appropriate measures in protecting the ecosystem. The book is a pioneer work in India and also a model book to all the states of our country in conducting this work, which will help create a database for future researches. In this technologically developing world, where nature is been getting exploited, the bird’s population has to be monitored frequently to know the health and condition of the ecosystem. Without birds, nature cannot sustain for long and all other living creatures will die soon, like all living creatures in this world, whether small or big, depends on birds directly or indirectly for their living

ISBN 978-81-955268-5-7

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